Acupuncture Happy Hour is a group acupuncture session, where participants recline in zero gravity chairs and receive a relaxation acupuncture treatment consisting of 5 acupuncture needles being placed in points located on the outside of each ear. If you have always wanted to try acupuncture but have not yet done so, this is a great way to experience acupuncture before committing to a full acupuncture program. Cost is $20.
Join Dr. Valentina Khoury, ND, LAc, LOM for Acupuncture Happy Hour at the Ohio Naturopathic Wellness Center, 755 Boardman-Canfield Rd., Suite D3, Boardman, Ohio (Southbridge West Complex).
For more information or to register, call 330-729-1350 or register online. Space is limited, so please RSVP early to reserve your seat.